Presidential candidate John McCain campaigned at the Albuquerque state fair grounds on Saturday morning before heading to Las Cruces, where he campaigned at a rally in Mesilla Plaza in the afternoon. According to the Albuquerque Journal McCain "sounded a national security theme" while in Albuquerque, and emphasized his understanding of Western states in Mesilla, where he was introduced by outgoing popular Senator Pete Domenici. In an interview to Jeff Jones of the Albuquerque Journal McCain acknowledged Obama's lead in the polls, but said, "pundits have written us off four or five times in the past and we've always come back." He also sounded a negative note about Obama's strong lead over McCain in fund-raising. "History shows us that, when there's virtually explosions of money in political campaigns, sooner or later, there's a scandal."
Ashley Meeks, writing in the Las Cruces Sun News, quotes McCain in Mesilla: "I know land. I know water. I know Native American issues. I know public lands. I know how we have to support our labs...I know how Western states are growing." He went on to say, according to Meeks, that he had "just learned from a newspaper today that Senator Obama's inaugural address is already written." Harking back to the famous Chicago Tribune headline incorrectly declaring Thomas Dewey the victor the day after the 1948 presidential election won by Harry Truman, Meeks quotes him as saying, "I want him to save that mansuscript and donate it to the Smithsonian...There's ten days left in this election."
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