Diario carries a note today providing statistics on the decline in the number of public events in Juárez in the past two years. According to the note a count of concerts, fighting matches, horse races, bullfights, and other events adds up to 417 in 2008; 270 in 2009, and 66 for the first half of 2010. The municipal government received $8.2 million pesos (about $650,000 U.S.) in taxes for these events in 2008, a little less than half that amount in 2009, and only about $1.27 million (about $100,000 U.S.) through June of this year. The municipal government requires that the sponsors of commercial public events in Juárez present the contract for the rental of the location of the event so the number of persons allowed for safety reasons to attend can be monitored, and to pay a tax on each ticket sold.
The decline in public commercial venues coincides with the rapid spike in violent crime in Juarez during 2009 and 2010, a crime wave that was not arrested by the arrival of over 9000 military troops to the city in early 2009, sent by the federal government to reduce violent crime.
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