Monday, December 28, 2020

 Part II:  How to Restore Majority Rule in New Mexico

In Part I the drift toward extremist tendencies in our political system were reviewed, emphasizing the importance of redistricting, which, as it has been pursued, has made it possible for minority views in each party to win in primary elections without penalties as districts are increasingly "safe" for members of one of the two parties.

Unlike most solutions, this one is quite simple, requiring only two steps:

Step One:  Place redistricting in the hands of a non-compromised blue ribbon, bipartisan commission.  This has been done in several states, including California.  Both political parties have shown themselves completely irresponsible in redistricting plans, so much so that virtually all redistricting plans have been contested and often resolved in court.  Ultimately, legislatures are constitutionally mandated to pass a redistricting plan, but this doesn't mean legislators must involve themselves in the details of redistricting.

Step Two:  Instruct the commission to maximize partisan competition in as many districts as possible.  The more nervous a legislator feels about losing to the other party next time around, the more likely the legislator will be striving for bipartisan solutions in legislation.  Bipartisan solutions, as Part I demonstrated, are moderate solutions, and moderate solutions is what most voters want.

These two steps will not solve all of the problems in our deeply flawed political system, but they will definitely create a strong incentive for individual legislators to seek common ground, which is in the middle of the political spectrum, not on the minority tail-ends.  These steps will also go a long way toward creating a more civil tone to political discourse in New Mexico.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Part I:  How Our Major Parties Have Shut Out Majority Rule

(Note:  This analysis is technical, but not overly so, and worth knowing.  Stay Tuned for Part II:  How to Fix the Anti-Democratic Trend in American Politics.

As computing technology has improved over the past few decades, the two major political parties have colluded, often tacitly, to make US congressional and state legislative seats less competitive between the two parties.  The mischief occurs during redistricting, mandated every ten years. Legislative redistricting has always resulted in gerrymandering, and courts have often intervened to put guardrails against gerrymandering against a minority group or political party.  But, just as is the case with corporate monopolies, courts have failed to intervene to halt collusion to reduce inter-party competition within legislative districts at the statewide level.  Today software can reduce party competition within districts to the satisfaction of Democrats and Republicans alike, and unsurprisingly, both parties and individual legislators revel in the practice.  This has had powerful anti-democratic consequences for the entire political system, paving the way for the unprecedented attack on our democratic institutions during the Trump Administration.  Most American abhor these trends but because both parties are complicit in them, you seldom hear about it.  This needs fixing.  Here's why.

The collusion game is simple.  Most legislatures engage directly in their own redistricting, a serious conflict of personal and partisan interest in a matter that should favor the public interest.  If as a Democratic legislator I wish to improve my chances of winning my seat after redistricting, this will happen if precincts that trend Republican in my district are removed, replaced by precincts that trend toward Democrats.  A Republican in an adjoining district will be happy to shed her bad (Democratic) precincts in return for acquiring good (Republican) precincts in return.  Net result:  we are both happy and more likely to get re-elected.  Notice that both parties have an equal interest in doing this for the entire state, since members of both parties, as a whole, are likely to be better off, and few will be much worse off than before.  As in musical chairs, a few legislators may be stranded unhappily, as an incumbent may be squeezed in the interests of protecting the entire majority party.  But over time it has been well documented that most legislative districts have become less competitive.

What's wrong with this?  A lot.

Imagine an electorate composed of people of all kinds of political views, ranging from the extreme left (Commie Pinkos) to the extreme right (Fascist Pigs).  If you count people according to their political views along a two dimensional spectrum from Left to Right you will find that in each district there are only a few Commie Pinkos and Fascist Pigs.  Most people are more moderate.  In fact most people cluster rather close to the middle of the spectrum.  Shown visually, this looks like a bell-shaped curve.  As you can see in the diagram below moderate views form the majority of the electorate.  


Of course, a person considered "moderate" in Hobbs would be considered a Piggie in Santa Fe, and a "moderate" voter in Santa Fe would be considered a Pinko in Hobbs. But in each district you are likely to find a bell-chaped curve of preferences even though the center point in the curve may vary from district to district.

Principles of Epidemiology | Lesson 2 - Section 4

 In the illustration above, assume that the bell-shaped curve on the right represents the distribution of preferences within the Republican Party, and the one on the left represents the distribution in the Democratic Party; that is, most Republicans are more to the Right and the Democratic Party is more to the Left than the average voter, represented by the bell-shaped curve in the middle.  Since primary elections determine candidate selection, one would expect the winner of the Republican primary to have pitched her message toward the middle of the right curve (the vertical line to the right), the Democrat toward the left curve:  that's where most of the votes are in each respective district.  But after the primary election you would expect each candidate to retreat toward the middle of the middle curve, where you find most voters.  The winner's voting record in the next election would probably lie closer to the middle of the middle than to the middle of her party's center because moving too far from the center would leave the winner vulnerable to attack by a more moderate opponent.  Fifty years ago this pattern of shifting back to the middle after the primary was the rule, not the exception, and moderate policies were the overall result. The system as a whole favored bipartisan, competent, government.policy, and voters tended to be reasonably happy with the direction of the country regardless of which party was in power.

The Move Away From Majority Rule

As districts became less competitive due to collusion between both parties during redistricting, the rule of moderation began to collapse. If my district is more heavily Republican after redistricting, as a Republican I don't have to worry as much about pleasing Democratic voters as I look toward the next election.  I'm likely to win without them and, should I try to please them I risk being challenged in the next primary by a more conservative Republican.  My incentive to compromise is lessened while my incentive to be "pure" to conservative causes is increased.  Many negative consequences ensued from this, including:

  •  Both political parties began moving away from each other despite there being no change in the preferences of voters! That is to say, both parties became less democratic.
  • Legislators representing the tail ends of the each distribution--the commies and the pinkos--began getting elected--something almost unheard of fifty years ago. 
  • Norms of civility in legislatures were broken as legislators paid fewer costs for screaming insults at the other side of the aisle.When moderates tried to instill more calm they were often shouted down by extremists on both sides.
  •  In each party moderate majorities found themselves outflanked by the pinkos on the Left and the piggies on the Right.  This often led to legislative paralysis, as in the case of the US Congress, when the Senate and House were controlled by different parties.  If your seat is safe, there is no prize for compromise, and over time, compromise even becomes a bad word.
  • As these trends deepened, the rewards for a legislator to be a true believer to causes ever-more extreme came to outweigh the rewards for a legislator to insist on competent, non-partisan government.  This tendency reached outrageous levels during the Trump Administration, which flaunted the lack of experience of top administrators and ignored the policy wishes of the vast majority.
  • Because of the winner-take-all character of our election system, added to the tendencies in both parties toward the extremes, policy is increasingly divorced from the wishes of the majority:  better education, affordable health care, reasonable gun laws, less crony socialism for the rich, etc.  The last two Republicans to occupy the White House were each elected with fewer votes than their opponent.  Politicians have found is is easier to mobilize the increasingly radical "base" for re-election by insulting the other side than it is to do the hard work required to pass legislation the public wants.
  • The net result of all of this has been a highly polarized political system, with less compromise, in which loud, aggressive minority groups outshout the majority, and in which minority views become overly represented in legislatures.  The news media incorrectly tells us the electorate has become more polarized (how many times have you heard the term "deeply divided electorate?" or "tribalism?") when in fact,  electioneering practices have compartmentalized legislative districts such that moderate voters--the majority of voters-- have become increasingly disenfranchised as a result of electioneering practices that have deeply undermined the democratic foundations of the country and left most voters dissatisfied with both parties.

Voters should be suspicious of any trends in the machinery of politics that have the effect of disenfranchising the majority of voters in one district, let alone across the country. While New Mexico has been spared the worse excesses of these anti-democratic trends, they have definitely left their mark on the state.Key position in the leadership of both parties have now been captured by groups representing a minority of voters in their own parties.  This year alone, two persons falling into the "pinko" side of the curve teamed up in a successful attack against two fellow Democrats, each of them among the most outstanding legislators of the past half century--Mary Kay Papen and John A. Smith.  Both of them faithfully represented the majority of voters in their districts and in the state, who would fall into the middle-middle part of the curve.  These pinkos also succeeded in ousting one of the most promising state Senators in recent times, Clemente Sanchez, attacking him for voicing the concerns of the majority of his district and the state. In the Republican Party a politician from Hobbs was re-elected party chair last week.  He proved unable--twice--to win a statewide election due to his political views, which may fit Hobbs, but certainly don't represent the views and aspirations of the average Republican voter, much less the views of the average New Mexican.  These are not good signs for the democratic health of the state.

Monday, December 7, 2020

 New Mexico Politics As the Post-Trump Era Begins:  The View from Southern New Mexico

Three elements to keep in mind as the holidays beckon, the pandemic surges throughout NM, and a new president takes office in January:

1.  New Mexico continues to be polarized between Democrats in most of the North and Republicans in most of the South.  Statewide, Democrats continue having an edge on.

Biden beat Trump in NM by 100,000 votes out of about 900,000 votes cast--a gap of nearly 11%, not quite a landslide, but close.  Hillary won New Mexico in 2016 by only 8%, with only 700,000 votes cast, so the overall verdict on Trump in NM this year was negative.  However, Trump got about 80,000 more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016; Biden got about 115,000 more votes than Hillary.  Both the House and the Senate continue easily under Democratic control--more about this below.

Normal North-South partisan polarization in New Mexico in 2020 is evident in the Biden-Trump numbers:  In the North (18 counties) Biden got 60.5% of the vote, but only 41.7% of the vote (15 counties) in the South.  And without the huge numbers in Doña Ana County the vote for Biden in the South would have dropped from 42% to 33%.  (But remember that Doña Ana County is not AOC country.  Hillary beat Bernie in the 2016 primary here by whopping 56%-44%.  This is relevant to a point I will make below)

Democrats cannot take the sunny weather for granted.  Republicans have occupied the governor's mansion for fully16 of the past 26 years, and were able to control the NM House for two years during the Martinez administration, for the first time since the 1950s.  The only two Democratic US Representatives elected from the South since 1978 (Harry Teague and Xochitl Torres Small) each lasted only one term before being replaced by Republicans.

2.  The Pandemic and State Government:  Toast in Twenty Two?

After the disasters of the Trump mal-administration, voters may be more inclined to judge elected officials on their ability to govern well, rather than to spout rehearsed or defiant nonsense.  This puts pressure on the Governor's performance next year, given lackluster results so far.  Like Bill and Susana before her, the lure of Washington occupied too much of her time  After getting off to a classy start earlier this year, lately the governor appears to have been winging it.  In spite of outstanding talent at the NM Dept. of Health Michelle's recent decision-making about covid 19 seems strangely off-base.  At the moment NM is in the embarrassing position of running out of hospital beds as people with possible symptoms struggle to negotiate an inadequate, crazy-quilt testing regime--while the administration bickers endlessly with the Restaurant Association about miniscule details of opening and re-opening. The test of leadership is how well you handle the crises.  If the governor is unable efficiently to deliver vaccines and other pandemic assistance throughout the state--and begin to articulate a coherent approach to our many critical problems for the next five years--she could end up toast in '22 should someone serious decide to run against her.  In order for this to happen, however, the Republican Party of New Mexico would have to prove that it still believes in republicanism as opposed to crass tyrannical rule.  The test of leadership is how well you handle the crises.  At the moment the state Republican Party is paralyzed, apoplectic, unable to respond to the critical conditions of the state or to imagine the possibilities inherent in the messes before us.  It has forgotten that politics is about governing.  More about this in future postings.

3.  Most New Mexicans are More Moderate than Partisan.  The political balance of power among Democrats within the legislature this year shifted decisively to the North and away from moderation. This may set in motion powerful forces we've seen play out before.

The liberal wing of the Democratic Party in the North, led by Eric Griego and Paul Gibson, indulged in the mischief of unseating fellow Democrats in key Senate primary elections in the South.  The ostensible motive was to make the Senate more responsive to progressive legislation, but the outcome was to shift political power from the South to the North, and to weaken the party's appeal to the average New Mexico voter who for many decades has proven to be decisively in the moderate camp.  In 2021 the Democratic Party will no longer have bragging rights for harboring three of the strongest champions of moderation--Senators Mary Kay Papen, Senator John Smith, and Senator Clemente Sanchez--to keep both parties in check.  They were replaced by inexperienced persons now beholden to their out-of-district funders.

Each political party in New Mexico forgets to its own peril that the state is overwhelmingly moderate.  We've seen this movie before.  When Walter Martinez, Speaker of the House in 1977 engaged in the mischief of dis-empowering moderate-to-conservative Democratic legislators from the South, he was ousted as Speaker in 1979 by a coalition of moderate Democrats and Republicans.  Within a decade, the entire East Side of the state had switched party allegiances, and voter registrations, and today it is the center of gravity of conservative Republicans in New Mexico.

The middle-finger insult Griego and Gibson threw at moderate New Mexican voters throughout the state may come back to haunt the Democratic Party at the statewide level should moderate Democrats in the Southwest conclude, like their counterparts to the East long ago, that party loyalty will be abandoned when loyalty demands turning your back on the will of your constituents.  Gibson and Griego are outraged about recent national Republican willingness to indulge in blatantly anti-democratic practices.  But who are they to complain?  The balance of power held in the South until now was legitimately earned by senators who held the line of moderation against the extremes of both sides--just what most voters in New Mexico wanted.  By playing dirty tricks against three powerful moderates who represented their Southwestern districts faithfully, they have effectively disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of voters throughout the state--just the kind of blatant anti-democratic behavior they piously attack at the national level and that lost the Southeast of NM to the Republican Party long ago.   Will forces to counter this insult to moderation and democratic practice gin up to do something about it?  Veremos.

Friday, April 17, 2020

US-Mexico Border Update for Paso del Norte Region
Native Americans Hardest Hit in New Mexico

                         Pop          Cases       Tests        Deaths
New Mexico     2.1m        1,597        34,488        44
DAC                   218k          58           2,653           1
Texas                27.4m      17,371    169,536*     398
El Paso Cty         840k           451        1,499**       7
Chihuahua         3.6m            128           605***   24
Cd. Juarez         1.3m              88          N/A         22

New Mexico Covid-19 Cases by Ethnicity:  Native Americans:  37%; Hispano:  24.5%; Anglo:  21.4%

*includes extensive testing by private labs
**Through April 8
***Implied in data provided; probably does not include private testing

Making Sense Out of the Data:

1.  New Mexico is still way out in front of Texas in testing, although Texas is catching up, using mainly private labs.  On April 3 NM was testing 3.5 times more people per capita than Texas, but now the gap has shrunk to 2.6 times.  
2.  Testing in Chihuahua and Juarez lags far behind NM and Tx,   With data showing only about 605 tests in Chihuahua, it is far from clear that the 128 cases in Chihuahua is an accurate picture of what is happening there.  Surely Juarez and Chihuahua state have far more cases than those being reported.
3.  The lag in testing between NM and Texas shows up dramatically in the data coming from El Paso County and Dona Ana County.  The data on testing  from El Paso is a week behind (April 8) New Mexico's,  but as of then Dona Ana County was testing 9 times more persons per capita than El Paso County.  This suggests that the 451 reported cases in El Paso may be lower than the actual number.
4.  Dona Ana County has not been tested as thoroughly as New Mexico, but appears to be catching up.  Statewide 1.64% of all persons have been tested, in Dona Ana the corresponding number is 1.2%.
5.  Native Americans in New Mexico form only about 11% of the population, but have 37% of the cases, so far.  It may be that Native Americans, especially in the Northwest, have peaked early in infection rates, and may not in the end provide 37% of the total number of victims statewide.  Expect the ethnic distribution of cases to change as the virus spreads to other parts of the state.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Paso del Norte Coronavirus Positive Cases as of April 3

Area                   Population             Source (cases)              No. of cases        No. of tests

NM:                        2.1 million                Source                      403 cases          14,778 tests
Dona Ana Cty            218,000                Source                        21 cases                  N/A
Texas:                  27.4 million                 Source                    4669 cases           50,679 tests
El Paso                       683,000                Source                        78 cases                415 tests
Chih:                     3.6 million                  Source                        11 cases                 84 tests
Juarez                    1.3 million                 Source                          7 cases                   N/A

Making Sense Out of the Data:

1.  The amount of testing per capita varies wildly from place to place.   New Mexico leads all states in per capita testing, closing in on one percent of the total population.  This is about 3.5 times more testing per capita than Texas, and about 300 times greater than per capita testing in Chihuahua.  

2.  The numbers above don't reflect the reality on the ground.  At first glance it would appear that El Paso and Juarez have not yet been infected seriously, and that New Mexico is ahead of El Paso in the number of cases.  However, if you factor in the difference in testing, since Juarez and El Paso have not been testing as much as New Mexico, they can't know how widespread the contamination has reached.  With $110 billion dollars worth of goods being shipped across four bridges in the Paso del Norte region each year--the busiest border in the world except for the California-Mexico border, it seems likely that infections are higher than the numbers would imply.  One trucker, crossing the border at Santa Teresa, showing no symptoms but contagious, could have infected someone without knowing it.  Where did this trucker spend the night?  Where did s/he eat?  Where did he get gas--at theVado filling station or in Anthony?

Watch newspaper reports about what is happening in hospitals.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Opinion:  Mexico Debates Bailouts for Companies

Note:  Economic policy in the US last week was unusually bipartisan as the US government added two trillion dollars to its existing $6 trillion debt load, hoping to bolster the economy during the unprecedented economic calamity of the coronavirus crisis.

How is Mexico handling the economic fallout from the crisis?

 The debate over fiscal policy in Mexico is just beginning.  The path has not yet been chosen, but as it unfolds it will, more than the sycophantic behavior, determine what historians say about Armando Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Mexico is currently in its most me-too moment vis a vis the United States since the Revolution began over a century ago, and this holds for Mexican culture as well as for trade relations and Trumpian soundbites about national coronavirus health policy.  Consequential decisions must be made now.
 Pull the Plug on Most Maquilas in Chihuahua?
Tough Calls Are Headed This Way, Very Soon 

In Diario de Juarez today:  (click here)  Mexican law, published last week on March 27, decrees that from now until April 30, manufacturing plants can stay open only if they produce consumer goods, medical equipment, medical technology, or deal with the disposal of infectious diseases.

Three hundred thousand workers--out of a workforce of 450,000--in Juarez work in the manufacturing sector, virtually all of it in the maquila plants.  It is the backbone of the economy in Northern Chihuahua.  Only 39 plants out of 329 manufacture medical supplies.  You cannot stay at home on a laptop and assemble a computer or refrigerator.  The head of the Maquila plant association, Pedro Chavira, estimates that this implies releasing around 264,000 workers from work for (at least) four weeks.

Some sort of negotiation, said Chavira, must take place with these firms to find something that will benefit everyone during this situation.  "What we don't want to do, and it won't happen, is to send these people to their homes with no money." 

Some plants, perhaps as many as 20, have already ceased operations. especially in the auto parts industry, due to a lack of demand as auto makers in the US have already shut their doors.

Each worker in the manufacturing sector, on average, according to Chavira, produces about $1000 in goods.  This implies a loss, he says of up to $34 million (US) each day.

Question:  if the average worker contributes $1000 (US) per day in production value, how much does each get paid per day?  Answer:  Maquila workers  typically begin at the national minimum daily salary, which is a little over $6.00 per day, and might typically go up to $12.00 or $15.00.  Labor costs are low, and the quality of the labor is high.

Negotiations over all of this are continuous and ongoing in Mexico City, Chihuahua, Juarez, and with the Maquila owners and managers.  President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has not committed himself so far.  Bailout US-style?  How much for the workers?  How much and on what terms for the owners?  The stakes are high and will affect the daily lives of the 1.3 million persons now living in Cd. Juarez, just down the Rio Grande 45 minutes by freeway from Las Cruces.
Workers in at Least Three Maquila Plants in Chihuahua Complain of Conditions in Violation of Covid-19 Guidelines

El Heraldo (click here) reports Workers at Emerson Termotec, a Chihuahua manufacturing plant in assembling various electrical products have complained that the assembly lines don't meet required sanitary measures for combating coronavirus.  They complain about crowded conditions, lack of protective equipment, and they ask for sick pay.  "Some employees are still working while showing suspicious symptoms," one worker who asked for anonymity told Heraldo.

 Employees at Electrocomponentes planta No.2 complain the company is not requiring the two-week quarantine for personnel who are at greater risk if they contract the virus.  Moreover, older persons have not been allowed to go into quarantine, as required.

Workers at STC complain there have been salary cuts since the coronavirus crisis emerged.