Friday, February 28, 2020

Mexico Adopts World Health Organization Recommendations for Dealing With Coronavirus

Reforma reports Under Secretary of Health Hugo López-Gatell announced this morning Mexico is adopting a model for mitigation of the coronavirus threat, recommended by the World Health Organization.

Among the measures to mitigate the spread of the disease is for people to avoid handshakes and kisses, and to wash hands constantly.  Should the contavirus threat become an epidemic, authorities will consider cancellation of mass events where active transmission of the disease might take place.

In an extreme scenario, if there is negligence in the measures proposed in the mitigation model and a full-scale epidemidemic breaks out, there might be an estimated 8 to 10 million Mexicans showing symptoms of the disease, and of these, 500,000 might be serious cases.  Should this extreme scenario take place, which might occur two or three months from the first cases in the country, the health care sector might require an additional 20 million pesos (about $1 million U.S.) to deal with the emergency.

Update:  President Lopez Obrador Seeks to Calm Fears of Coronavirus

Milenio reports that President López Obrador this morning assured the nation that his government is preparing to deal with coronavirus and has all of the resources necessary to deal with this health emergency.
"We are prepared to deal with coronavirus.  We have the doctors, specialists, hospitals, and capacity to confront it.  As it develops, we will deal with those who have it."  He asked the relevant authorities to maintain a daily flow of information as things develop.  He also asked citizens to remain calm so as not to generate a "collective psychology of fear."  "I want precise information about the gravity of coronavirus, because it is not, according to available information, something terrible, fatal.  It is not even as bad as influenza.  All of us should know this information," he said.
El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador aseguró que su gobierno está preparado para enfrentar el coronavirus Covid-19, pues cuentan con todos los recursos necesarios para atender la emergencia de salud. "Estamos preparados para enfrentar el coronavirus. Tenemos los médicos, especialistas, hospitales y la capacidad para hacerle frente a este caso. En la medida en que se vaya desarrollando vamos a atender los casos", declaró el Presidente en su conferencia matutina.

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